JISCTF 2020 - 'Ransomware' writeup (rev)

 Date: November 24, 2020

Note: All the related files that are mentioned in this post can be found here.

This is a writeup for the last challenge in the RE section of JISCTF, called Ransomware.

In this challenge, we were given a Ransomware.zip archive, contains:

  • ./task/Ransomware - a binary
  • ./task/flag.enc - contains the flag, which has “infected” by the Ransomware binary.

Our task is to recover the original characters of the flag. To do that, we’ll need to dig into the Ransomware binary.

While reversing this on IDA, I did some re-naming to the variable names in the binary so it will be easier to understand the screenshots.


When trying to run the binary, it will fail:

(ins)$ ./Ransomeware
Error opening the file
: No such file or directory

This happens because it looks for a file called flag.txt in the current directory:

The program opens it, reads 0x23 bytes and put it on the stack (at [rbp+inputStack]).

So next thing I tried was to create a flag.txt file and see the behaviour of the binary( echo "AAAABBBBCCCCDDDD" > flag.txt && ./Ransomware )

It created an out.txt file, containing the encrypted string:


Awesome, so now we have a working binary and we can try to dig into how the cipher is implemented.

The loop which generates the out.txt file is divided into 3 parts:

  • Step 1 - Useless calls to rand()
  • Step 2 - Hashing the flag.txt contents, 2 bytes at a time
  • Step 3 - Obfuscating the the hashes and write them to a out.txt file

Each step is described below.

Step 1 - Useless calls to rand()

The binary performs some useless stuff, I assume they added this as “obfuscation”(the return value of those calls is not used anywhere in the program). It generates two random numbers with a seed of time(0):


Step 2 - SHA512

Then, the input processing starts:


It’s performing a _SHA512 call only on two chars and saves the hash result in [rbp+resultHashBytes] on the stack. In our case, the binary will perform SHA512('AA') first, and on the 3rd iteration, it will call SHA512('BB') and so on(because our input is AAAABBBBCCCCDDDD).

Later, it takes [rbp+resultHashBytes] and turn the raw SHA512 bytes into a hex string by calling sprintf along with a %02x format specifier.

When the sprintf loop is over, the string version of the hash will be placed on the stack at [rbp+resultHashStr] :


Step 3 - Writing an outfile

This one was trickey, the binary didn’t print the hashed string in as it looked on the stack(from the previous screenshot). Instead, the binary writes the hash string backwards:


When it finishes flipping the direction of the hash string, it writes is to out.txt:


As can be seen above, there are 3 calls to write and not one. This is because the hashes are written to the file with a prefix and a suffix, which comes from genRandom(). The following screenshot shows the disassembly of genRandom():


The funny thing with the call to the genRandom function is: the return value will be changed on every execution of the binary, and not every hash in the loop. This means that if (for example) we have 4 hashes: the prefix and suffix of each will be the same to all.

Getting the flag

To recover the flag, we’ll need to do the steps in the reverse order:

Step 1 - Extract the hashes - we know that all the hashes has the same prefix & suffix, so we can identify them by seraching the last 8 characters of flag.enc:


Step 2 - Flip the hashes direction

f = open('./flag.enc', 'r')
content = f.read()
hashes = list(filter(lambda h: h!='', content.split('70323090')))

for h in hashes:



We got the hashes.

Because each hash is originally 2 characters. A simple lookup on rainbow-table sites like crackstation.net will do the trick:


the flag: JISCTF{R3V3Rs1Ng_W1Th_3Nkr3Pt10N}

 Tags:  ctf rev

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