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📁 blog
📄 Android's CVE-2022-20201 (InstalldNativeService)
📄 Android's CVE-2020-0401 (PackageManagerService)
📄 Android's CVE-2020-0238 (AccountTypePreferenceLoader)
📄 Pwning LLaMA.cpp RPC Server
📄 Reverse Engineering a Kernel Driver chall
📄 Hunting bugs in Nginx JavaScript engine (njs)
📄 GenesisOS: Publishing my micro-kernel!
📄 Exploiting n-day in Home Security Camera
📄 Pwning mjs for fun and SBX
📄 LuaJIT Sandbox Escape: The Saga Ends
📄 LuaJIT Internals(Pt. 3/3): Crafting Shellcodes
📄 LuaJIT Internals(Pt. 2/3): Fighting the JIT Compiler
📄 LuaJIT Internals(Pt. 1/3): Stepping into the VM
📄 LuaJIT Internals: Intro
📄 Discovering a 2-year old priv-esc in Redis(CVE-2022-24735)
📄 Fuzzing with AFL | Part 2: Trying Smarter(Apache)
📄 Fuzzing with AFL | Part 1: Trying Harder(Redis)
📄 Compiling/Debugging Apache
📄 Hacking Apache servers like it's 2004 (CVE-2021-41773)
📄 Loading an ELF without the execve syscall
📄 Firebase Applications – The Untold Attack Surface
📄 Research Publication: Pwning PHP7 Internals (Zend engine)
📄 Reverse Engineering Jazz Jackrabbit 2
📄 Hacking GraphQL Applications
📁 ctf-writeups
📄 BsidesTLV 2023 - 'Zen(d) Master' writeup (pwn)
📄 INTENT-CTF 2022: PwnMe writeup
📄 LibJS exploitation: 'broobwser' writeup
📄 Pwning C++: placemat writeup
📄 MatrixCTF 2022 - 'Mirror' writeup(pwn)
📄 TamilCTF - Pwn challs solutions
📄 BSidesTLV CTF 2021 - 'Rainy Redis' writeup (pwn)
📄 ICHSA CTF 2021 - 'Epic Game' writeup (pwn)
📄 OMH CTF 2021 - 'Framed' writeup (pwn)
📄 Matrix CTF 2021 - 'Agent Man' writeup (Android)
📄 Matrix CTF 2021 - 'Roulette' writeup (pwn)
📄 Shabak CTF 2021 - 'BabyRISC' writeup (pwn)
📄 XMAS CTF 2020 - 'lil wishes db' writeup (pwn)
📄 boot2root CTF 2020 - 'Canned' writeup (pwn)
📄 perfect-blue CTF 2020 - 'Amazing ROP' writeup (pwn)
📄 perfect-blue CTF 2020 - 'Apoche' writeup (web)
📄 perfect-blue CTF 2020 - 'Sploosh' writeup (web)
📄 Dragon CTF 2020 - 'Harmony Chat' writeup (web)
📄 JISCTF 2020 - 'Ransomware' writeup (rev)
📄 KAF CTF 2020 - 'SSE_KEYGENME' writeup (rev)
📄 NACTF 2020 - 'Format' writeup (pwn)
📄 About
📄 Projects
Tag: type-juggling
Tag: type-juggling
1 item with this tag.
Dec 19, 2020
XMAS CTF 2020 - 'lil wishes db' writeup (pwn)